Aimee's Kid Ranch

Toddler Program

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Our Toddler Program Offers...
Language Skills Development
Enough cannot be said about providing opportunities to develop language early. Our environment is set up with this goal in mind. All posters and toys are labeled and at the child's eye-level. We think of the surroundings as the child's second teacher. Children are constantly soaking in what they see, striving to relate it to what they already know.

We introduce our weekly themes through books checked out on a regular basis from the library. Our children want to read them over and over because they are beginning to associate words with the enjoyable stories they love so much.

We also begin break into small groups to work with individual sounds of letters and recognition of the alphabet out of sequence through hands-on activities. This will be the ground work for the next stages of their language development.

Motor Skills Development
At this age, children have just gained balance and are walking -the problem is they'd rather run to get everywhere! Everything in their surroundings is open for exploration; they are eager to see how it all works. 

Our environment offers stimulating sensory activities with media such as sand, water, dough, and more. Plenty of outdoor time in our gated country environment insures your child will be able to run, jump and develop all of their large muscles in safety.

Social Skills Development
For many children at this age, a child care setting is a new environment where they will begin to share and make friends. Part of our everyday curriculum focuses on our feelings, appropriate ways to express our feelings and expressing empathy for others.

Good social skills are the number one factor in determining your child's success once they reach elementary and beyond. Provider works with children to resolve conflicts in a positive way and gives them words in difficult situations -a skill they can use throughout life!

and More...

Along with Language, Motor and Social Skills our curriculum offers Science, Math, Music, Art, Dramatic Play and many other activities in order to develop your child physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.

Assessments are done to estimate your child's development and to plan activities that the whole group can learn from and enjoy.

At this age we will begin to collect work, art and written words your child says to create a portfolio which will continue throughout your child's tenure with us.

Aimee's Kid Ranch * 5445 N. FM 157 * Venus, TX * US * 76084 * 214 701-0410