Aimee's Kid Ranch

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The following lesson plan is an example of the types of activities in our program for ages 2-5.

*EXAMPLE*  (Ages 2-5) Theme:Community Helpers  Color:Orange  #:6  Letter:C   Shape:Square  Sign Language:"Up"

Area of Development



Literacy & Phonics
Orange Tree (song & vocabulary card)

"E' Trace/Make Letter "E" w/Blocks/Sign Language: Orange
Story: "Itsy Bitsy Spider"/Letter "E" Word Wall
Letter "E" Word Wall/Sign Language: "Diaper"/Practice Tracing Name
Practice Tracing Name/Story: "Firefighters"
Math & Science
Square Hunt/Computer Club
Looking @ a Smoke Detector
Backyard Spiders/Computer Club
Sorting Groups of 6/Counting to 6

Phones to Call 911/Computer Club
Cooking/Art/Fine Motor
Sorting Orange Objects @ Activity Table
Orange Collage
My Family Art
Circle Prints w/Orange Paint
Fire Truck Art
Music & Movement
CD: Community Helpers
Song: "What's Your Job?"
Song: "Cool Great Big Fire Truck"
Many Helpers (Song w/Cards)
"Let's Drive"
Social & Emotional
Leaves @ Sensory Table
Orange Colored Water w/Bubbles @ Sensory Table
Doll Families (Dramatic Play)/Vocabulary Card: "I Help"
Wiggly, Jiggly Colors @ Sensory Table
Orange Playdough w/Cutters

The lesson plan below is an example of the types of activities offered for infants. We post one Lesson plan for ages birth to 6 months and one for 6 months to a year, (ages 12 months to two are offered a modified version of our preschool curriculum).

*EXAMPLE* (Ages 3-6 Months) 

Area of Development



Language Skills
Colors Book (Homemade book of colors to read with baby)
Where's Teddy (Strengthening social ties as baby recognizes the names of familiar people and objects)
Follow the Leader Sounds (encourages interaction and repetition of familiar sounds)

Where's Your Nose (Child feels interesting and valued as they learn about different parts of their body)

Story: Does a Llama Have a Mama, Too? (Developing listening skills and bonding with care provider)

Large/Small Motor Skills
Floor Mirror (Child gains practice lifting head and using torso and arm muscles)
Dangling Beach Toy (Child uses large muscles to explore cause and effect)
Sensory Ball (Child will practice various motor skills as she picks up this light, bumpy ball)

Satin Streamers (Practicing grasping an object when placed in hand. Helps child become aware of the sense of touch)

Napkin Tent (Child is practicing the instinctive skill of grasping something when the palm of the hand touches it)

Social & Emotional/Cognitive Skills 

See Through Shake Toys (Child explores cause and effect)

Who's Here? (Enforcing child-parent bond)

Social Rituals (Practice waving "Bye-Bye" and using social greetings)

Class Photo Book (Strengthening vision skills by looking at patterns in a book, learn names of people and feel like an important member of the group)

Wildflower Window Panel (Child enjoys something beautiful from nature)

Greeting/Breakfast/Diapers/Inside Activities
Snack/Circle/***Preschool/ Computer/Outside Discovery
Help With Mats/Lunch
Brush Teeth/Rest Time
Outdoor Discovery/Art

Inside Activities/Tabletop Manipulatives
Prepare to Depart/Closing Circle & Review

Aimee's Kid Ranch * 5445 N. FM 157 * Venus, TX * US * 76084 * 214 701-0410